Garry Higgins OAM – Deputy Chair
Committee for Maryborough

A discussion paper to develop a position on economic development.

Making the most of what we already have: No need to re invent the wheel.

The most immediate response to the CV crisis is to maximise what we already have by looking at identifying our “anchor businesses”. These are our major public and private sector employers namely Maryborough Education Centre, Maryborough District health service, Central Goldfields Council, Highview College, Vic Pol, True foods, Asteria Services, Havalah Aged Care and McPhersons Printing.

These anchor businesses would be encouraged to participate in a project which would ask them to identify what goods and services that they purchase out of town that are available in town and to examine and identify the reasons for their current purchasing policies.

Are there external Government policies and procedures that limit local suppliers opportunities?

Are the local supplies not price competitive?

Is local supplier service and quality inadequate?

What other issues influence current purchasing policies?

What actions and training are required by local suppliers to make them more competitive?

What policy changes are required by our “anchor businesses” that would allow them to prioritise local purchasing of goods and services?

This system has been used very successfully in other cities in the world which examine ways of maximising what they already have. The system is generally referred to as the “Cleveland Model” and was developed in Cleveland to address economic development in response to the loss of major manufacturing.

I think we should be leading this approach at the Economic task force.

Garry Higgins OAM