RUOK? – Are you Okay?

Mental Health and Well Being should never be a taboo topic.
Yes, it’s a tough subject. Yes, it can be uncomfortable. Yes, there’s help.

It doesn’t matter which side of the conversation you are sitting. You could be the person impacted by a mental health imbalance or you could be the person reaching out or checking in with someone you may recognise is not quite themselves.

Each person in this conversation is going to be feeling uncomfortable and challenged in some way. Yet, it is absolutely vital that we hold these conversations and that we participate in these conversations. It’s vital we respond truthfully when asked “How are you?” or “Are you ok?” and it is vital that we know what step is next when someone replies “I’m not ok”.

Help is out there
The small business owners guide to creating a mental health plan is a practical document that will step you through how to create a plan that supports you and your resilience through COVID-19. It contains links to templates, resources and tips for supporting your staff. This document comes to us from the Victorian Small Business Commission.

Head to Health is another website that helps guide you through the great number of resources out there and pinpoint the best for your circumstance:

Mental Health First Aid Training – Date TBC
Keep an eye out for this opportunity to participate in training later this year (restrictions permitting).
Mental Health First Aide teaches participants how to assist people who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.

Complimentary Membership
Remember that the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry have extended free membership to new members for 12 months: Sign up here

Zoom Panel Session
Women at the table – Harnessing your influence, will be running 7:00pm-8:30 on Wednesday 1st of July. Hosted by the Victorian Local Government Association and Women’s Health Loddon Mallee.
Registrations essential: Find out more here

Love Local
Lastly, a shout out to Helen and the team at Central Goldifelds Art Gallery who are set to open to the public this weekend. The Opening Exhibition ‘The Many Story Tree House’ celebrates Terry Denton’s original illustrations, sketches and layouts for The Treehouse series with Andy Griffiths.

Maxing out at 18 visitors at a time make sure you book, its a great chance to get out for a free School Holidays activity. There’s a chance to win autographed books by completing the activity sheets so be sure to share this around with families with kids.